Auto Finesse Tripple Polish 500ml
Auto Finesse Tripple Polish 500ml is an all in one cleaner polish, enriched with pure Brazilian Carnauba. It’s easy application will deep clean paintwork, whilst glazing for shine and add a protective layer of carnauba in one easy step, making it the ultimate product for the speedy detailer.
- Deeply clean & protect your vans paintwork with this awesome polish.
- Removes stubborn oxidation and contamination using deep cleansing solvents, whilst gently refining the paint’s surface to a high gloss finish.
- This product has been enriched with pure Brazillain no.1 Carnauba wax.
- Developed to withstand a 1 month+ durability.
- You have the choice to apply by hand or with a machine polisher.
- Contains diminishing abrasives.