Van Conversion Window Fitting Trims Explained

Are you wondering or confused as to which type of window trim you require?

Read this blog post for a full breakdown of the different versions we offer and whether you require this for your van.

What are the uses of window channel?

When fitting windows to a van & an untidy edge can be left exposed after cutting the hole out.

Depending on personal preference and window location, different window trims can be used to cover the edges of the metal.

We stock three different types of channel, single-skin interior edge, double-skin & j trim. Here’s a bit of info about each of them…

Single Skin Interior Edge U-Channel
Double Skin U-Channel

single skin interior edge u-channel

Our Single Skin Interior Edge U-Channel is the most commonly used window trim.

This type of window channel is perfect for covering the inner bare metal edge once the vans panel has been cut out.

This knock-on PVC U-Channel is manufactured with a flexible steel core to ensure excellent grip.

Our Single Skin U-Channel is pre-cut into 4m lengths, which is enough to cover 1 internal edge.

Length – 4m / Width – 11mm

Covering Inner Metal Edge
Knock On Internal Lips

Double Skin U-Channel

The Double Skin U-Channel has been designed specifically to cover the inner & outer metal skin, rather than just the inner edge.

Our Double Skin U-Channel is pre-cut into 4m lengths. Suitable for the vast majority of van window aperture sizes.

Length – 4m / Width – 14mm

Covering The Inner & Outer Metal Edging
Flexible Segmented Steel Core


Finally, our J-Channel has been made to give the window fitter more room when applying the bonding adhesive compared to standard U-Channel.

It’ll cover the inner & outer metal edge, however the depth of the channel on the outside is smaller.

We recommend using J-Channel on smaller windows such as our Universal range, as the outer lip doesn’t come down as far, giving you more room to apply the bonding adhesive.

Length – Sold Per Metre / Width – 14mm

Covering The Inner & Outer Metal Edging
Smaller Outer Lip
shop j-channel

What Do I Require?

Deciding on which window channel you require is mainly down to personal preference.

When it comes to choosing your window trim, there is no set rule. Consider which metal layers you want covered and if you’re purchasing a smaller window with less room for bond, go for J-Trim.